Jensen Photography Steamboat Outdoors Photo Contest
05/06/2015 03:28PM ● By Grant Johnson
Click Here to Vote or Enter
"We came for winter, but we stayed for summer." If you've talked with folks who live in or visit Steamboat Springs through the changing seasons you've probably heard this phrase. For the next month, we want to see what exactly is it that makes Steamboat in the summer so special. Is it hiking, biking, tubing, rafting, climbing, and fishing? Maybe it's something that can't simply be put into words. Thankfully cameras are great at capturing those otherwise inexpressable feelings of closeness to nature, and we we think those photos deserve publishing!
If it happened outside, it could win you a prize. Post your photos in the comments section below to have a chance at an awesome prize package provided by Jensen Photography and Mountain Resorts and get your photo printed in the summer issue of Steamboat Magazine. Be sure to ask your friends and family to vote for your entry!
Grand Prize: A 3 night/4 day stay in a 2 bedroom condo from Mountain Resorts during the 2015/16 ski season* and a framed, signed print from Jensen Photography.
Runner-up Prizes: Two runners up will receive a $50 gift card to Slopeside Grill or 8th Street Steakhouse
How to Enter:
- Make sure the file size of the photo you are submitting is less than 5 MB
- Attach your photo to a comment below this article by clicking "Add Image."
- Click "Upload New" and drag the photo into the box or click "Choose Files."
- Wait for the file to upload (this may take several minutes).
- Once your file is uploaded, a row of pictures will appear - click on your photo.
- Click "Submit Comment" below the row of pictures.
- Check out the other entries and vote for your favorites.
- Tell your friends and family about your entry so they can see your photo and support you with their votes.
- Check back here to see how your entry is doing.
How to Vote:
- Click on the "# Votes" button below the photo.
Voting ends at noon on May 26th.
*Standard blackout dates apply
entrants have experienced problems uploading larger files. If you
receive an error message when uploading, try saving your image in a
smaller file.
***Must be age 18 or older and a U.S. resident to enter. Void where prohibited. Prize may not be refunded for cash. Ski Town Media, Inc. reserves the right to publish all entries.