Holiday Gift Guide #4
12/07/2023 07:00AM ● By Ski Town Media Staff
Holiday Gift Guide #4: For the kids who rock Town Hall gear and mini Grass Sticks.

1) Eli and Mort’s Adventures in Steamboat, a classic for any Steamboat kid, plus a reading light for looking at pictures late into the night. Book: $19.95; reading light: $14.99 at Off the Beaten Path.

2) Gummy candies, toys, gum, chocolate truffles…or a gift card to Fuzziwig’s so they can pick out exactly what they want at their favorite store.

3) Puzzles, like this cereal one or a superhero one, or classic games like Old Maid and Go Fish. Available locally at Ace Hardware; prices vary.

4) Ohana’s iconic three trees shirt, in their own size. Bonus points for family matching! $23 at Ohana.

5) Lego sets, like this bird, a race car or an entire fish tank to keep them occupied during the looooong winter break. Available locally at Walmart; prices start at $9.99.

6) Their next favorite stuffed animal because you can never have too many. Jellycat, available locally at Lyon’s Corner Drug.

7) Sweet goggles, a fun helmet or warm socks so they can stay safe, warm and have fun on the slopes all winter long. Available locally at Christy Sports; prices vary.