Spring Awakening
05/25/2023 07:00AM ● By Cyndi Marlowe
(The iconic Steamboat barn was built in the 1920s and has come to symbolize Steamboat’s Western lifestyle and legacy.)
Photography by Cyndi Marlowe
From Steamboat Magazine Home Edition 2023
Local landscape photographer Cyndi Marlowe captures Steamboat spring in these photos.
“I love the Yampa Valley,” she says. “I knew in 1980 when I arrived in January that I would live in this beautiful place for a long time. The first winter was almost overwhelming for an Ohio girl. One of the first people I met said, ‘when spring comes, the greens are so beautiful, tears will come to your eyes.’ It’s true. When spring comes to this valley after a long winter, the new green of aspen leaves, the brilliant yellow of glacier lilies, the blue of mountain blue birds brings you to tears…of gratitude, for new beginnings and growth. It’s a wonderful time of year in a wonderful place to carry a camera.”
(A field of wildflowers blooms in the spring under the rabbit ears of Rabbit Ears Pass.)
(Early spring days on Flash of Gold. The trail, which leads from the top of Spring Creek Trail up Buffalo Pass, winds through a large aspen grove, which is lush with green in the spring and golden in the fall.)
(Daffodil sightings are a sign of spring in the Yampa Valley as they are among the first flowers to poke their way up through remaining snow.)
(Spring signifies the return of the sandhill cranes to the Yampa Valley. A crane with two colts explores wetlands on the west side of town.)
(A lone robin perches and listens. Spring is a time of quiet renewal for Steamboat Springs but bird songs can always be heard.)
Photography by Cyndi Marlowe
From Steamboat Magazine Home Edition 2023
The sound of melting ice, skiing in a t-shirt, late May snow flurries, the first sandhill crane sighting, mud, so much mud – this is springtime in Steamboat Springs. In a season of wavering weather, one thing is certain: spring in this valley is a time to slow down, reset and renew.
Local landscape photographer Cyndi Marlowe captures Steamboat spring in these photos.
“I love the Yampa Valley,” she says. “I knew in 1980 when I arrived in January that I would live in this beautiful place for a long time. The first winter was almost overwhelming for an Ohio girl. One of the first people I met said, ‘when spring comes, the greens are so beautiful, tears will come to your eyes.’ It’s true. When spring comes to this valley after a long winter, the new green of aspen leaves, the brilliant yellow of glacier lilies, the blue of mountain blue birds brings you to tears…of gratitude, for new beginnings and growth. It’s a wonderful time of year in a wonderful place to carry a camera.”