Meet the Stars of the Slopes: Maggie Rose Carrigan
03/08/2022 08:59AM ● By Dan Greeson
Maggie Rose Carrigan, 25
Snowboard Parallel Slalom, Parallel Giant Slalom
Trained with Steamboat Springs Winter Sports Club, competes for Ireland
Who do you consider your biggest role models?
My siblings are the ones that taught me how to snowboard – or, I should say, didn’t give me a choice to ski! My sister was on the U.S. Team for halfpipe and my brother was a Junior World champion. They have always been there for me and have supported me through my journey. Thedo Remmelink, my snowboard coach, has been my biggest role model for the sport of alpine and has helped shape who I am today. He helped take my riding to an international level and has helped me grow as an athlete and person through SSWSC.
What is your favorite aspect of snowboard parallel giant slalom?
My favorite part of PGS has to be the carve. There’s nothing better than carving on an alpine snowboard – it’s so powerful and fast.
What do you like to do in Steamboat Springs when you’re not training?
In the winter, when I am not traveling we will go ice fishing and snowmobiling. In the summers lots of wake surfing and dirt biking. In some of my free time I also enjoy playing pool at The Colorado Bar and Grill in Oak Creek and spending time with friends.
What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced?
When I was 11 years old I had scoliosis back surgery at Children’s Hospital in Denver. I have two 14 inch metal rods that were inserted to help straighten and strengthen my back. It has been a struggle to keep my back strong and I have worked hard with personal trainer Daphne Butas and a physical therapist, Dr. Ben Cowin, to really help keep a healthy balance while doing this sport. I have no flexibility in my back, so all my movement comes from my hips, which I have to keep very mobile.
What’s your favorite music to train to?
I will have to admit my all-time favorite artist to listen to has to be AC/DC, ever since I had my first iPod and started racing in USASA when I was 7 years old. It was the only album on there!