From Their Family to Yours
11/19/2019 01:02PM ● By Alesha Damerville
Image from pexels
By Alesha Damerville
STEAMBOAT SPRINGS– Turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy. The moment we start talking Thanksgiving, our stomachs begin to growl. We get excited about this time of year, and it’s easy to reminisce on our favorite staples from this holiday.
Even though Thanksgiving is the foodie’s dream, hosting and preparing for this yearly feast can be exhausting. For the last 15 years, family-owned Harwigs in downtown Steamboat has spent their day treating the community to one of the best Thanksgiving meals they’ve ever tasted.
“Our kitchen is designed to create this meal that normally takes up a whole day of people’s lives,” says JJ Jenny, chef at Harwigs.
“Some people still do it traditionally, but I think a lot of people have realized it’s much easier to have someone else do the work,” he says.
For years, Harwigs was the only local restaurant offering a Thanksgiving meal. While that is no longer the case, the staff at Harwigs prides themselves on offering a creative twist on the traditional dinner.
The menu this year features brined turkey, black garlic mashed potatoes, raisin and ginger spiced sweet potato, asparagus, roasted tomato gratin, gruyere pearl onions, black truffle gravy, cranberry relish and of course a take on the traditional pumpkin dessert.
“It’s a very traditional Thanksgiving with some extra creativity added in,” Jenny says. "Plus, we do the dishes."
A limited àla carte menu will also be available for those who don’t want a Thanksgiving feast that includes beet-cured salmon, poached lobster, risotto or beef tongue, as well as a handful of other main dishes, appetizers and salads.
Thanksgiving is an early night for the staff at Harwigs. Once the doors close, the Harwigs family and their guests sit down to enjoy the celebration together. “It’s a nice way to start the ski season,” Jenny says.
This article is sponsored by Harwigs. Harwigs opens at 4 p.m. on Thanksgiving. For more information on Harwigs visit