Steamboat Announces 2019/20 Winter Air Service
06/04/2019 12:10PM ● By Alesha DamervilleSTEAMBOAT SPRINGS- It’s never too early to plan next year’s winter vacation; Steamboat Ski Resort has announced winter 2019/20 flights have been loaded to their respective airline’s schedules and are ready to book. The upcoming winter schedule has notable changes to JetBlue and Delta services: Ft. Lauderdale/Hollywood (FLL) expands to two flights per week on Wednesdays and Saturdays while Long Beach (LGB) will no longer serve Steamboat/Hayden airport and Minneapolis service has been reduced from daily to twice a week, with the exception of Dec. 21- Jan 5.
“This year there were some tough decisions that needed to be made regarding the air program. It’s hard to see flights such as Long Beach stop and Minneapolis reduce, but changes to the program were necessary. We, along with the Local Marketing District, felt this solution allowed our program to continue to succeed, serving the most passengers from a variety of markets, in the current situation,” said Rob Perlman, president and COO of Steamboat Ski & Resort Corp.
Alaska, American, Delta, JetBlue and United Airlines provide nonstop access from 14 major markets across the U.S. as well as convenient connection from more than 300 airports worldwide, making Steamboat one of the most easily accessed resorts in the Rocky Mountains. Airfares and packages are now available for purchase at or by calling Steamboat Central Reservations® at 1-800-922-2722.