The Steamboat Cabaret Successfully Opens At The Chief Theater
06/05/2014 12:23PM ● By Jack Burger
Paula Salky, the co-director and producer of the Steamboat Cabaret, opened Wednesday’s dress rehearsal by warning the audience, “Bear with us. We have only been rehearsing for three days.”
With only one day until opening night, the 32nd Annual Cabaret is staying true to its theme of “Steamboat Time.” The performance, which has annually taken place in May, was even late with its arrival, opening this year on June 5th. The leisure and lack of practice that was involved in the production was not, however, obvious in Wednesday’s rehearsal. The annual show is once again a hilarious success, poking fun at life in this laid back, relaxed mountain town.
“Each year the Cabaret has a theme that the skits are loosely based on,” co-MC and actor, Scott Parker remarked. “This year we chose Steamboat Time. Everyone who has lived in Steamboat for a few years understands that people show up to events and meetings at their own leisure. We thought it would be funny to use Steamboat Time as the theme because even the Cabaret is late this year.”
The cast of talented actors, actresses, and musicians, some even returning for their 20th year, helped write, organize, and act in a collection of skits, songs, and dances that good heartedly make fun of local events and issues, including the city council, downtown parking, the remodeled Ski Time Square, and the local police.
“There is a big cast this year. Almost 50 people I think. It is a mix of really funny skits and music. There will be a lot of really talented musicians playing funny songs. It’s just a really fun time every year for the cast members as well as the audience. This is my ninth Cabaret and I have enjoyed every one,” Parker said.
The Cabaret, which will open on Thursday at 7pm and perform at 6 and 8:30pm on both Friday and Saturday at the Chief Theater, is one of the Steamboat Springs Art Council’s biggest fundraisers. Proceeds will help fund the events that the Art Council organizes throughout the Yampa Valley every year. Tickets are on sale for $30 and can be purchased at All That Jazz, and the Steamboat Springs Art Council.
For more information regarding the Steamboat Cabaret visit or call the Chief Theater at (970) 871-4791.