Jensen Photography Wildlife Photo Contest
03/13/2014 06:13PM ● By Grant Johnson
Click Here to Vote or Enter
This year marks the 50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act. With the Flat Tops, Zirkel, and Sarvis Wilderness areas in close proximity, Steamboat is the place to celebrate. We're gearing up for a summer issue focused on wilderness in the Yampa Valley, and we want to include your wildlife sightings!
Whether in your backyard or in the backcountry, big game or common fowl, any wild animal is eligible for contest submission. All photo entries will be considered for printing in the summer issue of Steamboat Magazine. We've partnered with Jensen Photography and Home on the Range to bring you some great prizes, so be sure to ask your friends and family to vote! Your photo will have a chance to be printed in the summer issue of Steamboat Magazine.

Grand Prize: Signed and framed 10"x10" print of this photo - "Pardon Me" by Abby Jensen with certificate of authenticity
How to Enter:
- Attach your photo to a comment below this article by clicking "Add Image."
- Click "Upload New" and drag the photo into the box or click "Choose Files."
- Wait for the file to upload (this may take several minutes).
- Once your file is uploaded, a row of pictures will appear - click on your photo.
- Click "Submit Comment" below the row of pictures.
- Check out the other entries and vote for your favorites.
- Tell your friends and family about your entry so they can see your photo and support you with their votes.
- Check back here to see how your entry is doing.
How to Vote:
- Click on the "# Votes" button below the photo.
Voting ends at noon on April 14th.
*Some entrants have experienced problems uploading larger files. If you receive an error message when uploading, try saving your image in a smaller file.
**Must be age 18 or older and a U.S. resident to enter. Void where prohibited. Prize may not be refunded for cash. Ski Town Media, Inc. reserves the right to publish all entries. Contest Terms and Conditions