Maddy Schaffrick
11/01/2013 11:25AM ● By Grant Johnson
Photo by Jen Desmond/USSA
Steamboat Springs, CO -
Q. What are some
of your favorite runs in Steamboat?
A. I have great memories of
almost all the runs in Steamboat. I think some of my greatest are following my dad
through the Triangle Trees under the Bar-U-E lift on a powder day. If it had
snowed just a couple inches, my dad would take me straight there.
Q. How do you like
to relax?
A. I love puzzles and movies.
And when I put them together it's one of the best days of my life.
Q. Do you have any
A. I'm not a very superstitious
person. But I do believe in the power of karma and that the universe always has
a way to balance things out. So, I try my best to be respectful of nature and
perform good deeds when an opportunity presents itself.
Q. What trick are
you looking to conquer next?
A. I have a lot of ideas for
tricks I want to do, but I've always done better when I approach each practice
day with a completely open mind. This way I can go up there and see how I feel,
then get creative with it from there.
Q. What are your
educational goals?
A. I definitely want to finish
college. My goal is to get my diploma before my 31st birthday. At the pace I'm
going now, that's going to take some whipping-into-shape. I would love to work
with kids in the future. Whether that be teaching them how to snowboard or
teaching them how to read or teaching them to stand up to bullies, I want to
pass on knowledge.
Q. Do you have a
signature article of clothing you wear when competing?
A. I guess you could call my
face paint an article of clothing. Every time I make finals I like to paint my
face like a wild animal. It's like getting my “game face” on or having the “eye
of the tiger.”
Q. What drew you
to your sport at a young age?
A. The X Games. When I
was six years old, I was watching women's snowboard superpipe on TV with my
dad. I remember watching all the girls look like they were having so much fun.
My parents had started me on skis at the age of two, so I was already
snow-worthy. Supposedly, I marched up the stairs after watching the competition
and told my parents I wasn't coming down until they got me a snowboard. I ended
up finishing off the season on skis because “Schaffricks aren't quitters,”
according to my dad. But the next year I rented a snowboard and haven't looked
back since.
Q. What movie
character would you like to be?
A. I would be Jennifer
Lawrence's character in “The Hunger Games.” I like thinking I'm a badass and
that I could win the games.
Q. Do you have any
guilty pleasures?
A. Late night snacking is my
jam. Chocolate chip cookie dough is my weakness.
Q. If you had to
live in a prior decade, which would it be?
A. I'd love to live in the 1920s
without the segregation and lack of women's rights. The culture just seems so
classy and sophisticated – women with long, white lace gloves and foot-long
cigarette holders.
Q. What’s your
favorite summertime activity in Steamboat?
A. Frisbee golf. My dad designed
the course up at CMC about 25 years ago. I like to go up there and picture him
playing it back then.
Q. What do you
think is the most beautiful spot in Steamboat?
A. When the sun sets over the Sleeping
Q. What was
your favorite Steamboat activity as a kid?
Selling lemonade on the side of the road.
Q. Which song do you know all the lyrics to?
A. “Goodbye Earl” by the Dixie Chicks.