Town Quirks: Spring/Summer 11
04/01/2011 01:00AM ● By The Pirate PagesSpring-Summer 2011:
Town Quirks: Spring/Summer 11
by The Pirate Pages
Steamboat Man Saves $30 Baggage Fee, Arrested for Shipping 60 Pounds of Marijuana Homeby Fitz Enships
Saying he’s merely a victim of false advertising, 25-year-old Steamboat resident Jay Puffer was arrested on felony charges of possession of marijuana and misdemeanor dispossession of a brain. No trial date has been set.
According to Puffer, he was heading back to his hometown on Long Island, N.Y., in March 2011, when he realized it was going to be difficult to travel back with 60 pounds of high-grade marijuana.
“My carry-on was already jammed with snacks, cookies, my iPad and a spare set of underwear in case the airline lost my luggage, and there was no way I was going to pay those ridiculous baggage fees. Those are criminal,” noted Puffer.
Puffer then read a UPS ad in the local newspaper, which proclaims “Ship It Home! Checking Luggage with the Airlines is an Expensive Hassle. Ship it Home Safe and On Time with The UPS Store. Pickup Available. We Ship Anything!”
“So I was like, sweet,” added Puffer. “They said it was safe. Is being arrested by a bunch of narc cops safe? I don’t think so. This is not my fault, dude.”
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