Local Knowledge
12/01/2009 01:00AM ● By Anonymous
Holiday 2009:
Local Knowledge
License to Poach - Reminiscing on a year that sa117 guest days A LOT OF PEOPLE have grandiose dreams of owning a house in a ski town – a minimal commute to the slopes, ski rack inside the front door, crackling fire, even a strategically positioned dump light outside to monitor snowfall. When we built our home in Fairview, however, we learned that it also has its pitfalls. The culprit: out-of-town guests and their penchant for poaching floorspace. It doesn’t matter if they’re invited or not: they all leave empty toilet paper rolls and socks buried in the sofa. At first it didn’t bother us: my wife and I were excited to shooff our 1,800 square feet of logstrewn splendor. Besides, I had ample favors to repay from time spent on the other end of the couch.
Yule Log Searching 101 -Hints for Steamboat's tell-tale treasure hunt On an unidentified date, an anonymous citizen hides a 50-pound log under cloak of darkness somewhere in the city limits. Ten clues are given in early December. The riddles, written by committee from the Tread of Pioneers Museum, take seekers on a journey through Steamboat Springs' history and locales. The first clue begins where the log lay the previous year, with clues two and three Wintertime Winner: Last year's Yule Log locator Randy Nelson, hoisting his prize high overhead. Photo courtesy of Randy Nelson.establishing a direction of travel (not always a direct route). One lucky searcher finds it each year, and with it $150 in Chamber bucks and ever-important, yearlong bragging rights. What can you do to increase your odds of finding it, and becoming a winner instead of a Yule Log Loser? Steamboat Magazine went to past winners and even the clue-writers themselves to up your chances for success. "I never understand everything in a clue. You can get off track. Remember that you're on a trail leading to the log." ~ Last year's finder, Randy Nelson "Think of everything for every clue and toss ideas around. We really enjoy the history." ~ Shaunna Watterson, whose family has recovered the log on multiple occasions "Be up on recent changes, neparks, roads and buildings. Go out and look for it. It helps to knowhere it isn't." ~ Glen Farrell, past winner and Shaunna's cousinADDITIONAL TIPS FROM THOSE IN THE KNOW:Team up: Brainstorm ideas and split up the research. Plus, this will give you someone tosuffer with on cold, dark searches.Knolocal history/geography: The museum staff writes the clues. Knowing historical routes into town is key. Also, polish up on names, places and cardinal directions. "Read into" clues: Clues refer to history and locations, but watch out for double meanings.Backtrack: Re-read past clues you may find a nemeaning and/or that you're in thewrong part of town.Use the Internet: Google for meanings of clues, read past articles about the log, anduse online maps.Use local research facilities: The museum's research library gets busy come Yule Logtime. Stroll through its exhibits to brush up on local lore. Check out books on local history.Look in ALL directions: Some of the clues (and the log itself) have been missed simplybecause seekers did not look up or down.Go with your gut: Several hunters agree, folloyour hunch.Yule Log etiquette: Team up with fellohunters if you're in the same spot at the sametime. If and when you find it, call the museum so others aren't left out in the cold.Have fun: Remember this 30-year community tradition is a fun way to learn more about ourtown.
Two Bartenders Two Holiday Drinks - 'Tis the season to be jolly. To give you a jump on the game, we asked two of Steamboat's favorite bartenders to showcase their favorite holiday concoctionsNEW FOR THIS YEAR at the COttonwood Grill is the Candy Cane Cocktail ($12), whipped up by bartender Cesar Cruz III, 35. "It's a great, Christmassy holiday drink," he says. "It's nice and refreshing ... like drinking a fresh Steamboat powder day." Admitting that it's a bit on the girlie side, he says the shredded white chocolate on the rim ("like fresh fallen snow") and candy cane accoutrement give it its flair.Candy Cane Cocktail:1 1/2 oz. vanilla vodka1 1/2 oz. white chocolate liquor3/4 oz. peppermint schnappsShake well with ice and strain into chilled martini glass. Garnish glass with shaved white chocolate rim and a candy cane.TEN-YEAR CAFE DIVA bartender Kirsten Bergquist-Alder, 36, calls the Eskimo Pie ($8, $11 Grey Goose)Photo by Corey Kopischke. a classic holiday drink. "It's been on our menu since the dawn of Diva 11 years ago," she says of the martini invented by the restaurant owner Paul Underwood. "Whenever someone asks for something special, that's one of the drinks i recommend. It's slightly sweet, with a dash of mint and a little bit of everyone's favorite - chocolate."Eskimo Pie:2 oz. vodka1/2 oz. Baily's Irish Cream2 splashes white creme de cocoa1 splash Rumple MinzeShake vigorously with ice and strain into chilled martini glass, striped with chocolate spiral. Garnish with peppermint stick.