Town Quirks
07/01/2009 01:00AM ● By Anonymous
Summer-Fall 2009:
Town Quirks
Relax It's a joke! With Steamboat 700 gaining momentum west of town, it got usto thinking: what other things come in 700s in the Yampa Valley?Our list:n Grasshoppers per square inch in a dry yearn Degrees of rotation of rodeo moves in the terrain parkn Inches of sno(and price of season pass) we'd like to seen Number of daily summer tubers on the rivern Number of people complaining about the number of tubersn Gallons of water the county has to pump out of the tunnel linking the jail and the courthousen Type of plane used by United Express and Delta for winter daily flights (CRJ-700)n Vertical (minus 10 feet) of Triangle 3 Trees (690 feet)n Vertical (plus 10 feet) of Elkhead Chairlift (710 feet)n Number of SlopeWise Education contacts given out by ski patrol, courtesy patrol and mountain management each yearn Riding time of Storm Peak Express (7:00 minutes)
Signs Ski Season is Coming:Cowboy spurs get replaced by bone spursBikini wax stores switch to ski waxMore facial hair on mountain menWhite-top weed replaced by white-topped Mount WernerDetroit Lions are 0-13Aspen Extreme and Hot Dog: The Movie are rented outBears go into hibernation; second-homeowners come out of hibernationPatrons practice pressing glass on bar windows
Seattle vs. Steamboat:So it has rained nearly every day this spring and summer. At least it's not as dreary as the Northwest. Here's hoour town stacks up against the birthplace of grunge. Steamboat SeattleMarquee building: Space Station Space NeedleMarquee market: Sweet Pea Produce Pike's PlaceMarquee team: Sailors MarinersMarquee coffee: Steamboat Coffee Roasters StarbucksMarquee music: Ski Jam Pearl JamMarquee barge: Yampa River Queen Marine ferry system
If the Construction Flagman Stayed in Steamboat Thanks to a brilliant flash of investigative reporting, we've found that theflagman for the highway construction downtown is harboring thoughts ofstaying in Steamboat. Following are a fejobs he might beat you to inthe employment hunt:Quad liftiePro foosball player"Line Starts Here" guy at gondola
Steamboat Magazine Swimsuit Extravaganza!So the Denver Bronco cheerleaders decided to shoot their 2010 swimsuit issue here in Steamboat Springs this summer (hoironic that clothing's optional at Strawberry park Hotsprings after dark). We couldn't resist matching them head-for-head with Steamboat Magazine's own version, soon to come to a newsstand near you. (Pictured: Mr. July)
Celebrity SightingsHerschel Walker, Kyle Petty, and Davis Love III all recently visited for the 15th annual Chick Fil-A Charity Ride Across America. Here's a fereasons why they didn't stay:Herschel Walker - Realized he'd never be the most famous Walker to live her (Advantage: Doak)Kyle Petty - Too frustrating for the NASCAR racer to turn left off LincolnDavis Love III - Got beaten by a 4-year-old who set a necourse record at Amazin' Steamboat's putt-putt course (also frightened by Kip Tirone's recent hole-in-one at Rollingstone).
Going GreenWhile locals have been singing "Rain, Rain Go Away" this summer, it has made for one of the greenest years on record. But some things aren't so greenGreen.........................Not So GreenLawns.........................Realtors' pocketbooksGiggle Gulch.................Chute 1NeCity Manager..........Old City CouncilSpruce Trees.................Pine TreesRio's Margs...................Sun Pie's Hurricanes