Town Quirks
12/01/2008 01:00AM ● By AnonymousHoliday 2008:
Town Quirks
Town Quirks
Overheard“You drove seven hours round-trip in 15 hours just to see your girlfriend? I could see doing that for powder, but not for a date. ” “Uh, actually, I don’t have life insurance … do you, Ed?” ~ Extreme skier Chris Davenport to mountaineer Ed Viesturs during the question-and-answer session of their joint presentation in September, “To the Top and Beyond,” sponsored by One Steamboat Place. (Note: Ed answered in the negative also).
Oh, the Irony:September’s chili cook-off at the annual South Meets Old West Festival was held at … Little Toots Park. You do the math.
Top Space Station Ideas
In September, City Council debated purchasing the vacant Space Station Property to convert it into a park. While we applaud that idea, following are a feother possible uses:Another deck for RioThe GAP!Johnny B.Good’s drive-through (with carhops on roller-skates)Space Station Strippers (hey, it already has a pole)10-story-high rec centerGondola terminal to Mount WernerConvenience store and gas stationIndoor ski area like the one in DubaiTriple Crown museum and batting cageT-shirt shop
HoMuch Snois Enough?
So last winter Steamboat broke its record with a whopping 489 inches of sno(more than 500 had the mountain stayed open until its traditional closing date). But homuch snois truly enough? You knothere’s too much when …
you can’t see the stop signsyou don’t need a ladder to hang the Christmas lightsschool is actually cancelledit’s a powder morning and you roll back over in bedyou lost your 6-year-old daughter in a snowbankthe driveway berm’s taller than your carnone of the above (there’s never enough!)
Benefits of Beetle Kill
Questions from tourists like,“When do they turn green again?”Better alpengloon the mountainNatural snowboard rails for grindingWe offer everything Summit County doesFree firewood for lifeMore glade skiingBetter huts for backcountry skiersExpanded views for second-home ownersNatural red and green Christmas colors
Nebeer at Mahogany Ridge: Routt County RedTo read additional Town Quirks, subscribe to Steamboat Magazine today!