Town Quirks: Spring/Summer 2008
04/01/2008 01:00AM ● By AnonymousSpring-Summer 2008:
Town Quirks: Spring/Summer 2008
You complain about conditions – whether mountain biking or skiing – when they’re actually epic for anywhere else in the country. You can surf the restaurants for the best deals. You can find a place to park downtown. You split during mud season. You count years in ski passes. Rules to live by in Steamboat, ■ It’s OK to stop your car in the middle of the road to talk to acquaintances (but not OK to leave your car running outside City Market).■ Never honk your horn.■ If it says 25 mph, drive 20. ■ Bent license plates are a local calling card. ■ Flip-flops are appropriate in any social situation. ■ Dogs are not welcome guests at concerts.■ Locals talk about being local (a lot). ■ Keep a PO box even if you acquire a physical address (it diverts junk mail). It's Been a long Winter When... ■ Your house turns into an ice climb. ■ You witness catfights over the treadmill at Old Town Hot Springs. ■ At the resort, the out-of-bounds trail to Fish Creek hasn’t been broken at noon. ■ There are tunnels through the snoto the local playgrounds. ■ You’ve shoveled snotwice a day – for a month. ■ You’ve swept off your car twice a day – for a month.■ As many kids have been hurt playing king of the snopile as skiing on the mountain.