Last Updated: 07/02/2020 02:20PM • Subscribe via RSS • ATOM
07/02/2020 02:20PM ● By Rachel Miller
Steamboat Creates has designed a series of classes inspiring personal growth, both intellectually and creatively.
06/11/2020 05:49PM ● By Alesha Damerville
Take time to pause, take a breath and relax with Coda Signature's cannabis-infused bath bombs.
02/28/2020 11:46AM ● By Alesha Damerville
We live in a busy world. We are always on the move, and as a result we often choose food options that are quick and not necessarily the healthiest. Matcha energy balls are here to save the day!
01/28/2020 11:20AM ● By Alesha Damerville
In a world of constantly flowing energy, it's easy to take on the negative, even when trying not to. Here is a list of reasons to smile.
01/08/2020 11:29AM ● By Alesha Damerville
When discussing women's health, a number of directions can be taken, from what products to use to lesser-known solutions. We're taking the direction of pain relief.
12/13/2019 01:35PM ● By Alesha Damerville
The "For the Health of It" blog reflects on gratitude and the approaching new year
11/11/2019 01:32PM ● By Alesha Damerville
The "For the Health of It" blog offers tips for overcoming seasonal depression.
10/31/2019 04:08PM ● By Alesha Damerville
Acupuncture has been used to treat a variety of diseases, digestive disorders, chronic pain, tendinitis, headaches, respiratory disorders and more.
09/30/2019 05:25PM ● By Alesha Damerville
Join the journey to health and wellness with the "For the Health of It" blog
09/13/2019 11:47AM ● By Alesha Damerville
"For the Health of It" explores IV therapy.
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